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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find a list of frequently asked questions about the Ontario Off Road Racing Association. If, after reading this list, you still have some questions, please feel free to Email me.

What do I need to race?
A vehicle and the proper safety equipment as per the OORA rules, purchase an OORA membership and a good attitude! It is advised that you contact one of the OORA board members or check out the Off Road Action message board to if you have any questions about OORA, your vehicle or the safety equipment required.

Do I have to become a member to race?

Yes, except for the last race of the season and the in the tough truck class. The membership fee, while currently under review, is 45 dollars for the year. If you plan on racing all the OORA tough truck events, then it is recomended that you purchase a membership as the entry fee is 5 dollars less per day..which pays for the membership and more over the course of the year.

Where does the membership money go?

The OORA is a non profit club. The yearly membership fees go towards paying administration and promotion costs.

Isn't racing expensive?

It can be if you want it to be. Some buggies and trucks are built on a strict budget while others have tens of thousands of dollars into them. That is why there is different classes available. Class 6 was made because of the need for an inexpensive class. Tough truck racing is another alternative, although it does not give you the wheel to wheel action that the other classes do.

I do not want to race right now, but I love short course racing..how else can I become involved?

Show up at one of the races and we will put you to work! Seriously though, the OORA is always in need of volunteers. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in order for the race to go on. We are on the lookout for Lap Counters and Timers. While it may seem like a medial job, it is one of the most important jobs in the organization. Corner workers have the best seat in the house, next to the racers. Mind you, it is not just a chance to watch the racing..you have to be watching the race in front of you, beside you and behind you. After some training, you are paired with an experienced corner worker. It is a lot of work and very fast paced, but the thrill of watching three 600hp trucks go into the corner, each fighting for the right line, while you are less than 20 feet away is incredible! Once again, contact one of the oora members or check out the message board at Off Road Action if you are interested in helping out.
